Busty Girl Entrepreneur

From One Best-Selling Shirt to a Full Collectio...
Starting and growing a business is never easy, and for women entrepreneurs—especially Black women—access to capital remains one of the greatest hurdles.
From One Best-Selling Shirt to a Full Collectio...
Starting and growing a business is never easy, and for women entrepreneurs—especially Black women—access to capital remains one of the greatest hurdles.

A Kiva Story Part III: Manufacturing in the USA
If you ever start a fashion company, I recommend staying in the USA in order to learn how to source and get a hands on experience on the production process.
A Kiva Story Part III: Manufacturing in the USA
If you ever start a fashion company, I recommend staying in the USA in order to learn how to source and get a hands on experience on the production process.

A Kiva Story Part II: Fabric Choice
Many of you shared your insights on which type of fabric you'd like used for Exclusively Kristen's bust-friendly shirts. Customer feedback is extremely important because I want to make sure...
A Kiva Story Part II: Fabric Choice
Many of you shared your insights on which type of fabric you'd like used for Exclusively Kristen's bust-friendly shirts. Customer feedback is extremely important because I want to make sure...

A Kiva Story: An Entrepreneur's Journey
After a long hiatus, I have restarted "Busty Girl Stories." Life became so busy for me that I was unable to devote adequate time to blogging, so I decided to...
A Kiva Story: An Entrepreneur's Journey
After a long hiatus, I have restarted "Busty Girl Stories." Life became so busy for me that I was unable to devote adequate time to blogging, so I decided to...

Small Business As A Force For Ethical Change
I recently attended the 39th Asian American International Film Festival's showing of Under Construction, which is a Bangladeshi film directed by Rubaiyat Hossain. The film follows Roya, who seems to have...
Small Business As A Force For Ethical Change
I recently attended the 39th Asian American International Film Festival's showing of Under Construction, which is a Bangladeshi film directed by Rubaiyat Hossain. The film follows Roya, who seems to have...

Girl Power! Part II
Brazen Bras was the host of my first pop up shop, so it has a special place in my heart. I probably sent the most green pitch but Christine, the...
Girl Power! Part II
Brazen Bras was the host of my first pop up shop, so it has a special place in my heart. I probably sent the most green pitch but Christine, the...

Girl Power!
ALL of the lingerie boutiques that I've worked with have been owned by women. Most of them cited frustration with bra shopping due to being plus size or top heavy...
Girl Power!
ALL of the lingerie boutiques that I've worked with have been owned by women. Most of them cited frustration with bra shopping due to being plus size or top heavy...

The Underratedness of HBO's How To Make It In A...
Around the time that I founded Exclusively Kristen, my friend told me about a show on HBO called How To Make It In America and I was hooked after the first...
The Underratedness of HBO's How To Make It In A...
Around the time that I founded Exclusively Kristen, my friend told me about a show on HBO called How To Make It In America and I was hooked after the first...

An Ode To Niche Fashion Companies: Clothes For ...
On the next installment of "An Ode To Niche Fashion Companies", I will highlight brands that cater to short statured people.
An Ode To Niche Fashion Companies: Clothes For ...
On the next installment of "An Ode To Niche Fashion Companies", I will highlight brands that cater to short statured people.

Working With Factories If You Are A Small Company
"If you only have small orders, factories don't care about you." That statement may sound fatalistic, but it's true.
Working With Factories If You Are A Small Company
"If you only have small orders, factories don't care about you." That statement may sound fatalistic, but it's true.

Business Ethics: Product Reviews
The journalist became horrified that anyone would charge money for reviews and lambasted the blogger for being unethical. I had not planned on working with this blogger, but the reaction...
Business Ethics: Product Reviews
The journalist became horrified that anyone would charge money for reviews and lambasted the blogger for being unethical. I had not planned on working with this blogger, but the reaction...

Trunks Shows Are An Entreprenuer's Best Friend
Trunk shows have multiple benefits: market research, broadening your client base, and connecting with potential buyers.
Trunks Shows Are An Entreprenuer's Best Friend
Trunk shows have multiple benefits: market research, broadening your client base, and connecting with potential buyers.

What Would You Do With $25,000?
Because I am passionate about Exclusively Kristen and know that this underserved community of busty women deserve better fitting clothes, I signed up to be in the running for the...
What Would You Do With $25,000?
Because I am passionate about Exclusively Kristen and know that this underserved community of busty women deserve better fitting clothes, I signed up to be in the running for the...

Why Exclusively Kristen Chose To Debut With Bas...
I wanted to debut with a more size inclusive version of the garments that gave fuller women the most grief. Also, I wanted to be the one who solved the...
Why Exclusively Kristen Chose To Debut With Bas...
I wanted to debut with a more size inclusive version of the garments that gave fuller women the most grief. Also, I wanted to be the one who solved the...

Finding The Right Manufacturer
In my previous blog post, I outlined the pros and cons of manufacturing overseas. In this blog post, I will go into greater detail about finding a manufacturer that is...
Finding The Right Manufacturer
In my previous blog post, I outlined the pros and cons of manufacturing overseas. In this blog post, I will go into greater detail about finding a manufacturer that is...

Should You Manufacture Overseas Or In The USA?
Exclusively Kristen is proud that we manufacture our garments in the USA. However, there are pros and cons to both manufacturing overseas and in the USA, which I will highlight...
Should You Manufacture Overseas Or In The USA?
Exclusively Kristen is proud that we manufacture our garments in the USA. However, there are pros and cons to both manufacturing overseas and in the USA, which I will highlight...

Fashion Lines: From Idea to Product In 6 Steps
Starting your own fashion line can be fraught with road bumps, so below are some guidelines to smooth out the process. You might have a great idea for a shirt...
Fashion Lines: From Idea to Product In 6 Steps
Starting your own fashion line can be fraught with road bumps, so below are some guidelines to smooth out the process. You might have a great idea for a shirt...

Where It All Began
Project Runway judge Nina Garcia recently posted this photo on her Twitter account, which brought back memories... When I was about 10 years old, my mom and I started a small...
Where It All Began
Project Runway judge Nina Garcia recently posted this photo on her Twitter account, which brought back memories... When I was about 10 years old, my mom and I started a small...