I love empire waist shirts and dresses! They are great for accentuating curves and are a fashionable addition to maternity clothes. Unfortunately, up until last year, I owned only a handful of empire waist clothes and none of them looked right on me. Like many people with underserved body types, I just made it work. I remember one shirt in particular that had a horizontal seam that was supposed to rest underneath the nipple line, but I thought I would start a new trend of horizontal seams across the bust. Also, the horizontal seam had elastic so that it would constrict underneath the bust and accentuate a flat stomach and small waist, but for me, since the elastic band rested just underneath the nipple line, the fabric across the stomach bulged outward so I looked pregnant :-( If I bought a size or two larger it would look like I was wearing a burlap sack and the horizontal seam would still not rest below the bust. How frustrating! Busty girl options are to pull down the empire waist shirt resulting in too much cleavage and the bra peaking out or acquiesce to the seam sitting at or near the nipple line. Large busted women now have another option: empire waist shirts made for D+ bra cup women that look great! Try Exclusively Kristen's Urban Gypsy Top. Also, there are other empire waist shirts in the works, so come back and see us!
Busty Girl Problems Part II